KORU Behaviour Expectations Student Agreement

By attending KORU Independent AP Academy, students are agreeing to uphold and abide by the COVID-19 addition to the Behaviour Policy in order to keep everyone in our community as safe as possible.

During this pandemic and period of reopening, there are additional, strict guidelines that students and staff must adhere to. This policy sets out clear expectations for our school community and clarifies the sanctions that will be in place for any deviation from our high standards and expectations. Please note that KORU Independent AP Academy reserves the right, at any time, to respond to any incident in a manner that best serves the interests of our students, staff and community.

Students are expected to behave safely and sensibly during partial opening and focus on their learning. In order to keep everybody safe, students must follow all social distancing measures put in place and all respiratory and tactile hygiene guidance. It is imperative that students follow all staff requests as much as they can. If they fail to do so, or if their behaviour becomes a concern, sanctions may be applied.


  • Removal to work elsewhere with senior staff. Parents informed.
  • Removed from school site. Parents informed.
  • Loss of privilege of attending future sessions. Parents informed.
  • A period of Fixed Term Exclusion in accordance with the school’s Behaviour for Learning Policy.

The types of behaviours which may result in sanctions are indicated in the school’s Behaviour for Learning Policy.

This is not an exhaustive list. In addition to these behaviours, any deliberate coughing, spitting, threatening, defiant or aggressive language and behaviour or wilful ignoring of social distancing will result in a period of fixed term exclusion.

Expectations of Students during Partial Opening

  • Students must follow all Health and Safety rules in order to keep everyone safe.
  • Students must not attend school if they are unwell and should tell a member of staff immediately if they feel unwell whilst in school.
  • Students must abide by the Code of Conduct and follow staff requests without argument.
  • Students must only attend the specific session and classroom to which they have been invited in order to minimise contact with others.
  • Students must obey social distancing instructions at all times, keeping 2 metres apart both in the classroom and inside and out of school buildings.
  • Students must sit where they are told, stay in their designated workspace and only leave this with permission to carry out specific tasks e.g. to wash their hands or visit the toilet.
  • Students must act on instructions about washing hands regularly, using hand sanitiser and avoiding touching their faces.
  • Students must follow good respiratory hygiene by using tissues and following the public health ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ guidance when coughing or sneezing.
  • Students must behave sensibly, try their best and allow others to learn at all times.
  • Students must be punctual for their session, equipped, and ready to learn. Equipment cannot be shared.
  • Students should bring pens, pencils, ruler and calculator. They should also bring tissues and use them appropriately. They may bring and use their own hand sanitiser but this will also be provided for them.
  • Students must not move around the classroom or school without permission and must follow all directional signs.
  • Students must treat people, property and the environment with care and respect.
  • Students may not eat or drink during lesson time, except when permitted to use their personal water bottle.
  • Students must use IT appropriately and follow all instructions about keeping themselves safe online.
  • Students may be searched for prohibited items, any item banned by the school rules or any item considered harmful or detrimental to school discipline. Items will be confiscated.

Please ensure that you have read this agreement and the corresponding Behaviour for Learning Policy addition in full before completing the disclosure below:

We confirm that we have read The COVID-19 Behaviour Policy addendum and agree to abide by it.

Student name: ……………………………………

Parent/Carer Name: ……………………………………..

Student Signature: …………………………………….

Parent/Carer signature: …………………………………….

Date: …………………………………….

This document must be signed and dated by both parties and brought into school on the first day of your child’s return.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ms Anderson

Head teacher