Special Educational Needs And Disability Policy

This policy details how KORU will do its utmost to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any students who have special educational needs and disabilities. The Head Teacher and/or Deputy Head Teacher will communicate these needs to all who are likely to teach or be in contact with these students. The school is committed to a policy of inclusion, equal opportunity and, where reasonable, following best practice as outlined in the statutory guidelines on special education needs and disabilities, in particular the SEN and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years 2015 (SEND Code 2015) and the Children and Families Act 2014.

All students have a right to be able to access and gain fully from the curriculum. In certain cases, for this to be possible, students may need a greater degree of differentiation and support to realise their potential. The individual needs of all students cover a wide spectrum; disabilities and specific learning difficulties exist across the ability range. KORU sees the provision for special educational needs and disabilities as a whole school responsibility.

The Deputy Head Teacher, is the point of contact for Special Education Needs and Disabilities in the School. The SENDCo reports to the Deputy Head Teacher. The overall responsibility for Special Education Needs and Disabilities is with the Head Teacher.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the School’s policies on:


The Accessibility Plan

The Accessibility Plan is available on the school website. Where a student has a Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) the school will provide, and implement effectively, an education which fulfils its requirements.

Definitions of pupils with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities

The SEND Code of Practice (2015), defines a learning difficulty as:

  • they have a greater difficulty in learning than the majority of pupils of the same age or
  • they have a disability (a physical, social or mental impairment) which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities that are provided for children of the same age.

Students must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or form of language of their home is different from the language in which they will be taught.

Mental Health

KORU provides a caring environment where mental wellbeing is of the highest importance. All members of teaching staff will refer any potential mental health concerns to the safeguarding team. The Head Teacher, with the safeguarding team, will put in place any reasonable advice given by the relevant medical consultant or therapist to support the student in school and advise teachers on being sensitive and responding appropriately to the needs of students with social, emotional and/or mental health difficulties.

Parents are asked to keep the school closely informed on the progress of a child with mental health issues. Where appropriate and agreed through communication with the safeguarding team and home, students may be referred to the School Counsellor for further support. KORU operates an ‘open door’ policy to provide a safe, secure environment for those students having emotional difficulties. Students can be provided with a ‘time out card’ which is approved by the student’s mentor; such cards must be used appropriately and are monitored/logged closely by the staff.

Medical Conditions

KORU endeavours to give every support possible to students with serious, ongoing medical conditions and keeps its facilities and provision under review. All reasonable steps are taken to prevent these pupils from being placed at a disadvantage. Regular planning and review meetings are scheduled with parents, the student and the safeguarding team.

Special Educational Provision

Special Education provision means provision which is a reasonable adjustment and additional to, or otherwise different from, the educational provision made generally for students of their age as part of the School’s usual differentiated curriculum and strategies.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To facilitate early identification, assessment, provision, recording and monitoring for those with special needs and disabilities;
  • To set high expectations for students with special educational needs and disabilities;
  • To promote the inclusion of students with special needs and disabilities within the full curriculum;
  • To support and collaborate with parents/carers of students with special

Educational needs and disabilities;

  • To support and collaborate with teaching staff and pastoral staff in regards to supporting students with special educational needs and disabilities
  • To take account of students’ views in order to increase self-esteem and promote their development as independent learners;
  • To maintain an “open door” approach so that students can consult about their learning difficulties directly;
  • To take account of advice from external agencies;
  • To ensure that appropriate exam access arrangements are made in cooperation with the Examinations Officer;
  • To follow the SEND Code of Practice (0–25 years) (Department for Education, 2015) and make reasonable adjustment for those with special needs and disabilities.
  • To promote on-going professional development on special educational needs for academic and pastoral staff;
  • To ensure that discipline and other procedures (e.g. school trips) take account of students’ learning difficulties and disabilities.

The Role of the SENDco (the Special Education Needs and Disabilities Coordinator):

  • Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the School’s SEND policy in compliance with the SEND Code of Practice;
  • Liaising with and advising all members of the school community as appropriate;
  • Working closely with the staff to ensure a cohesive SEND provision;
  • Coordinating additional provision for students with special educational needs, including Learning Support Plans for all pupils with an identified need;
  • Overseeing the records of students with special educational needs to ensure confidentiality;
  • Consulting with students over the structure and nature of their support;
  • Liaising with parents of students with special educational needs;
  • Contributing to the training of staff on special needs;
  • Liaising with external agencies including psychologists, psychiatrists and hospitals;
  • Maintaining understanding of best practice through liaison with SENDCo’s from similar schools and appropriate Continuing Professional Development;
  • Liaising with SENDCo from students previous schools, to share resources and transference of feeder information;
  • Working with the Examination Officer to provide documentation and recommendations for suitable examination access arrangements;

Admissions and Entrance Examination

The KORU admission procedure records any known particular need or disability of the pupil on entry.  Staff will then organise and conduct baseline assessments, where reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that students with special needs can perform to their best. In some cases this may involve extra-time, the use of a laptop or equivalent.

Parents are encouraged to speak to the Head Teacher, prior to their child’s entry to the School, concerning any special need, regardless of the point of entry.

Those pupils who have already had their specific learning difficulties or special needs detected at another school are placed directly on the Learning Support Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Register and a Learning Support Plan (formerly known as an IEP) is written and distributed.

The Stages of Provision

KORU is committed to early identification, assessment and assistance of learning difficulties and special educational needs, including those with social, emotional and mental health difficulties. All staff are involved in this process and a mentor will be allocated and will be available for advice. This reflects the whole school policy of developing the individual pupil’s learning skills, raising their attainment, ensuring expectations of all pupils are high and catering to any special need.

Special educational provision is carried out at three levels:

Wave 1: High Quality Teaching (HQT). The subject teacher has responsibility for the delivery of his/her subject and the progress of the student.

Wave 2: Targeted additional interventions, depending on the student’s need.

Wave 3: Specialist additional and highly personalised interventions.

Referral Process

When a concern is raised, data is collected and an initial assessment of the student made. A referral can be made by any member of staff, a parent or the student themselves, however views will be sought from all parties before an assessment takes place. The parents are contacted and kept informed at each stage of the referral process.

Reasons for a referral might include, but are not limited to:

  • a student appearing to have difficulties or challenges in lesson tasks or in particular subjects or in a number of subjects;
  • challenges with organisation, written communication, processing, speed of reading;
  • an uneven score profile in GL Assessment, computer-based diagnostic testing.

The outcome of each referral is communicated in an email and through staff briefings to teaching staff and pastoral staff when relevant. If a persistent need is identified and requires ongoing support or further external assessment, a Learning Support Plan will be written and the pupil will be entered on the School’s Learning Support Department register.

Summary of process

  1. Assess – a clear analysis of the student’s needs;
  2. Plan – parents are notified and agreement reached on the adjustments, interventions and support as well as the impact on progress, outcomes sought and date for review;
  3. Do – the class teachers will remain responsible for working with the child on a daily basis, supported by the SENDCo. Any agreed additional provision will be put in place;
  4. Review – evaluate the impact and quality of the support and interventions.


All students are screened for the likelihood of specific learning difficulties shortly after entry. A formal assessment can be arranged either by the parents or KORU. The school will only accept private reports if the assessor is known to the school and a copy of their qualifications are made available to the Head Teacher.

There will always be students whose specific problems (academic, emotional, social or other concerns) become more identifiable at the various academic stress points such as entering school and examinations. Thus, when students do not make adequate progress or give cause for concern, subject teachers plan specific interventions, strategies or catch-up sessions and inform the parents and the Deputy Head Teacher. If the subject teacher remains concerned, they record the outcome of these measures to date and refer to the Deputy Head Teacher for further assessment and support.


When a form of assessment has identified that a young person has a special educational need, a planning meeting is held and chaired by a member of the Deputy Head Teacher or Head Teacher. The parents, student and any relevant external professions are invited to attend or provide a report so that the meeting is a thorough, collaborative, child centred approach. The purpose of this meeting is to collectively decide on what adjustments need to be made within the classroom and what, if any, additional provision needs to be made.

For students requiring extra support in addition to high quality teaching, KORU offers the following:

  • Study and revision skills classes
  • Spelling support resources
  • Reading programmes
  • In-class support when required by the class teacher for a specific student
  • Some specialist subject-specific one to one/small group support
  • Handwriting support resources and advice
  • Support with social, emotional strategies

As a result of the planning meeting, personalised outcomes and support for the student are agreed and a member of staff transfers these onto on Learning Support Plan.


The HLTA is responsible for keeping the Learning Support Register and Learning Support Plans up to date. The information is available centrally and securely for all teaching staff. All staff are required to be fully aware of the needs of each individual student and the strategies as outlined in the Learning Support Plan of students they teach or who are otherwise in their care.

Learning Support Plans

All students on the register have Learning Support Plans. The Learning Support Plan is drawn up by the HLTA/Deputy Head Teacher in relation to the needs of the students as identified during the assessment and planning stages. The pupils and parents involved are fully consulted throughout the process and parents are involved in the process at regular intervals.

This document provides: an overview of the student’s difficulties; agreed outcomes; inclusion of student-voice outlining their interests and areas of strength; recommendations for high quality teaching and record any additional support being provided to the student. The teaching staff and relevant pastoral staff are notified when a new Learning Support Plan is created. Staff are expected to consult and act upon the Learning Support Plan. Reviews of the students are held bi-annually and any amendments to the Learning Support Plan circulated.


Monitoring of the Learning Support Plan

Subject Teachers must ensure that students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities have appropriate targets and interventions and that lessons are planned with regard to any special needs. They are supported in this by the SENDco. Concerns about individual students’ difficulties are raised during department meetings and are communicated to the SENDCo, by the

HLTA, as early as possible.

A named mentor will liaise with subject teachers to monitor the student’s target and provision. Mentors are central to the implementation and monitoring of the Learning Support Plan. The mentor acts as the first point of contact for their identified young people, passing relevant information to the HLTA.

The HLTA meets regularly with the Deputy Head Teacher and in addition has regular consultations with members of the teaching staff and the Senior Management Team about students on the register.


The provision for each student on the Learning Support register is regularly reviewed to evaluate the impact on progress and assess whether further changes need to be made. Progress made towards outcomes on the Learning Support Plan is reviewed during bi-annual meetings in which the views of various individuals around the student can be drawn together collaboratively. These meetings also provide the opportunity for student voice to be heard, increasing independence and motivation in the student. These meetings involve the student, parents with invitations being extended to the mentor, as well as any relevant external professionals.

Each student is invited to further, informal reviews throughout the year to ensure they maintain an active role in evaluating their own progress and provision. Amendments can be made to a Learning Support Plan at other points in the year if new information arises that results in changes to student support. Once a student has been reviewed, the cycle of ‘assess, plan, do, review’ begins once more, to ensure that support for the student is as effective as possible.

Partnership with Parents

KORU regards the partnership with parents of paramount importance in the education of the students and even more so when there are special needs.

Parents receive copies of Learning Support Plans and information on support sessions. KORU encourages parents to make appointments to discuss any provision, Learning Support Plans or concerns. The Deputy  Head Teacher and HLTA will undertake or be part of all necessary discussions with parents concerning referrals to Educational Psychologists or other specialists and external agencies.

Relationships with outside agencies

KORU has a link with an educational psychologist who visits the School on a regular basis. In addition, the School has contacts with a speech and language therapists and CAMHS.

For pupils with a EHC Plan, we work closely with the local authority and other involved external agencies to meet the needs of the student involved.

Access to the curriculum

Some students with Specific Learning difficulties may, in consultation with parents and teachers have their learning programme adjusted in order to ensure that they gain maximum benefit from the curriculum offered.

English as an Additional Language

The identification and assessment of the special educational needs of students whose first language is not English requires particular care. Where there is uncertainty about an individual, all aspects of the student’s performance in different subjects will be looked at to establish whether the problems are due to limitations in their command of the language or arise from special educational needs.

Assessment and Audit of Provision

The HLTA meets regularly with the Deputy Head Teacher to discuss related issues and the welfare and progress of students.

For record-keeping and provision-tracking, a log is kept of all support by the HLTA.

The Deputy Head Teacher collects and analyses data about students with special educational needs and disabilities in respect of:

  • Rewards, sanctions and incidents;
  • Attendance;
  • Participation in extracurricular activities;
  • Assessments, reports and examinations;
  • Value added.

Exams Access Arrangements

The Deputy Head Teacher will liaise with the Exams Office to put support arrangements in place where appropriate to support students in their access to internal and external examinations. This falls in line with JCQ regulation and must be evidenced accordingly. The exam arrangements must support a student’s normal way of working. We advise that pupils are assessed for Specific Learning Difficulty such as Dyslexia by a certified Educational Psychologist known to the school within 24 months of sitting their GCSEs in order to fulfil the criteria to receive such arrangements as 25% extra time or access to a word processor.

Staff Training

The school places great value on staff being kept fully informed of recent and applicable teaching practice for disabilities, specific learning difficulties and emotional behavioural difficulties and insets are held regularly. At the beginning of the academic year, staff are briefed by the Deputy Head Teacher on ‘Specific Learning Difficulties & Disabilities’ and on the School’s SEND Policy.

Concerns and Complaints

It is hoped that any difficulty can be sensitively and efficiently handled at an early stage. However, if parents do not believe that their concerns have been dealt with to their satisfaction the Complaints Procedure, which is available on the School website, explains how to pursue the matter further. In the case of complaints, the department will endeavour to give a prompt response and conduct a case review with the relevant teachers. Subsequently, the students themselves with special needs will be listened to proactively and their views on what sort of assistance they would like to help them make the most of their education will be taken into account.

The SEND 0 – 25 years Code of Practice, (Department of Education, 2015)

Children and Families Act, 2014

The Equality Act 2010

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995

The Children Act 2004 (confirming Every Child Matters) The Education Act 2002

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001

The Human Rights Act 1998

The Education Act 1996